{require lib_start lib_JS_clock} {div {@ style="position:absolute; z-index:2; top:50px; right:20px; width:150px;"} {center {clock 150}} } {SPLASHSCREEN 2018/09/26} {style body { background:#444 url('data/amelie_poulain.jpg') center center no-repeat;} } {{MENU 30 0 1} {b presentations} - [[about]] - [[quick_intro]] (en|fr) - [[introduction]] - [[primal]] - [[foundations]] - [[rosetta]] - [[decouverte]] (fr) - [[lambdapub]] - [[helloworld]] - [[dictionary]] - [[teaching]] - [[factory]] | [[fabrique]] (fr) - [[infobesity]] - [[seven_days]] - [[book]] - [[comments]] - [[blocknote]] - [[forum]] - [[sandbox]] - {b ---> [[download]]} (50kb) - [[installation]] - .. {b papers} - [[ELS_2014|http://epsilonwiki.free.fr/ELS_YAW/?view=YAW]] - [[ELS_2015|http://epsilonwiki.free.fr/alphawiki_2/?view=lambdatalk]] - [[krakow]] (rejected) - [[ELS_2017|?view=brussels]] - [[SFPW_2017]] - [[ELS_2018]] (rejected) - [[OPENSYM_2018]] (declined) - [[SFPW_2018|http://b2b3.free.fr/lambdaspeech/?view=_SFPW_2018]] (rejected) } {{MENU 30 62 2} {b lambdatalk} - [[@]] - [[#]] - [[arrays]] - [[array_sort]] - [[AST]] (fr) - [[backtick]] - [[binary_search]] - [[bugs]] - [[calculator]] - [[church]] - [[closure]] - [[concurrent]] - [[conscarcdr]] - [[console]] - [[curry]] - [[debounce]] - [[DICT]] - [[eval]] - [[fly talk|?view=revolution]] - [[fold]] - [[functions]] - [[helloworld]] - [[HTML]] - [[ide]] - [[if]] | [[lif]] | [[IFTHENELSE]] | [[noif]] - [[insertion_sort]] - [[lambdacalc]] - [[lambda_calculus]] - [[lambdacode]] | [[eval]] | [[min|?view=lambdacode_inside_min]] - [[lambdaword]] - [[lazy_factorial]] - [[let]] - [[lexical]] - [[localStorage]] - [[macros]] - [[map]] - [[memoization]] - [[object]] - [[pairs]] | [[NIL2]] | [[NIL3]] - [[palindrome]] - [[partition]] - [[python]] - [[quicksort]] - [[recursion]] - [[replace]] - [[require]] - [[reverse]] - [[state]] - [[sum_lists]] - [[tree_traversal]] - [[turing]] - [[ul]] - [[variadic]] - [[VEC]] - [[Ycombinator]] - .. } {{MENU 30 124 3} {b maths} - [[2Dvectors]] - [[3Dvectors]] - {b [[bezier_curves]]} - [[canopy]] - [[catalan]] - [[dec2bin]] - [[derivatives]] - [[division]] - [[encryption]] - [[equation]] - [[euler]] - [[even_odd]] - [[fibonacci]] - [[gcd]] - [[hanoi]] - [[hilbert]] - [[horner_newton]] - [[integration]] - [[mandel]] - [[mathCurves.com]] - [[mathLT]] - [[maxwell]] - [[next_prev]] - numbers - [[BIGINT]] - [[big_integers]] - [[big_fact|?view=fact]] - [[big_numbers]] - [[Cnumbers]] - [[Rnumbers]] - [[pascal]] - [[pascalian]] outdoors - [[pforms]] | [[pforms_mini]] | [[SVG_3D]] - [[PI]] - [[plot]] | [[plotsurf]] - [[primes]] - [[raytracing]] - [[sqrt]] - [[sum_square_odds]] - [[SVG_3D]] - [[triangle]] - turtle - [[barnsley]] - [[logo]] - [[lambdalogo]] - [[turtle]] - [[turtle_tree]] - [[unity]] - [[zeta]] - .. } {{MENU 30 186 4} {b web design} - [[agora]] - [[amelie]] - [[anchor]] - [[animation]] - [[ausweis]] - [[background_grid]] - [[calendar]] (fr) - [[cherckerboard]] - [[clock]] | [[simple_clock]] | [[JS_clock]] - [[date]] - [[days]] - [[dodecaphony]] - [[drag]] - [[draggable]] - [[editable]] - [[eliza]] - [[erik_satie]] - [[fonts]] - [[geluck]] - [[graphics]] - [[image_map]] - [[image_slider]] - [[inslide]] - [[jules_verne]] (fr) - [[latin]] (fr) - [[lifted]] - [[localStorage]] - [[markdown]] - [[menu]] - [[minibox]] - [[note]] | [[NOTE]] - [[pencil]] - [[planning]] - [[poster]] - [[rand_picts]] - [[section_edit]] - [[showpicts]] - [[simple_show]] - [[slider]] - [[slideshow]] - [[sounds]] - [[spreadsheet]] - [[SVG]] - [[U1]] - [[valentine]] - [[ward]] - [[watch]] - [[wide_picts]] - [[wide_style]] - [[wooden_house]] - .. - [[angular]] - [[cell]] - [[curl]] - [[latex]] - [[LML]] - [[PDF]] - [[skribe]] - [[SXML]] - [[TEX]] - .. } {{MENU 30 248 5} {b libraries} - [[lib_agora]] - [[lib_amelie]] - [[lib_BI]] - [[lib_BN]] - [[lib_Cnumbers]] - [[lib_decasteljau]] - [[lib_JS_clock]] - [[lib_lambda3D]] - [[lib_lambda3D_tests]] - [[lib_lambdacode]] - [[lib_lambdaray]] - [[lib_lambdaray_tests]] - [[lib_lists]] - [[lib_mandel]] - [[lib_mathLT]] - [[lib_note]] - [[lib_Rnumbers]] - [[lib_slideshow]] - [[lib_SVG_clock]] - [[lib_sheet]] - [[lib_start]] - [[lib_turtle]] - [[lib_V2D]] - [[lib_wide_picts]] - [[lib_wide_style]] - ... } {{MENU 30 310 6} {b before ...} - [[previous]] -- [[lambda way{sup 2.0}|../lambdaway]] -- [[lambda way{sup 1.0}|http://epsilonwiki.free.fr/lambdaway/]] -- [[alphawiki_2|http://epsilonwiki.free.fr/alphawiki_2/]] -- [[alphawiki|http://epsilonwiki.free.fr/alphawiki/]] -- [[epsilonwiki|http://epsilonwiki.free.fr/]] -- [[mumuwiki|http://marty.alain.free.fr/mumuwiki/]] {sup (2010)} -- [[almawiki|http://amartyfree.free.fr/almawiki/]] {b links} - [[github/amarty66|https://github.com/amarty66]] - [[ward.asia.wiki.org|http://ward.asia.wiki.org/view/testing-microtalk]] - [[codage-composants|http://ensam.wiki.free.fr/codage_composants/]] (fr) - [[conferences|http://marty.alain.free.fr/confs]] (fr) - [[rue74|http://www.rue74.fr]] (fr) - [[erasmus|http://www.rue74.fr/erasmus]] (fr|en) - [[framalibre|https://framalibre.org/content/lambdaway-project]] - [[romane|http://rue74.fr/F6/romane/]] (fr) - [[rosetta]] - [[scheme|http://www.scheme.com/tspl4/]] - [[lispy|http://pythonpracticeprojects.com/lisp.html]] - [[newlisp]] - [[picolisp|http://picolisp.com/wiki/]] - [[lispyscript|http://lispyscript.com/]] - [[little-lisp|https://www.recurse.com/blog/21-little-lisp-interpreter]] - [[https://www.cours-gratuit.com/cours-scheme/|https://www.cours-gratuit.com/cours-scheme/]] - [[bulk.webresizer.com/|https://bulk.webresizer.com/]] - [[ycombinator.com/martyalain|https://news.ycombinator.com/threads?id=martyalain]] - [[links]] random... } {div {INTRO} {div {@ style="text-align:left;"} _p Welcome in the '{lambda way} project, a workshop built on a wiki, '{lambda tank}, coming with a true functional programming language, '{lambda talk}. _p Discover '{lambda talk} {u {note_start intro in a few words ...}} {note_end {@ id="intro"} {blockquote _ul 1) Expressions are written in a prefix notation using curly braces, '{}, _ul 2) Away from curly braces words are just words {pre 2+3 is equal to '{+ 2 3} -> 2+3 is equal to {+ 2 3} } _ul 3) Functions are created with {b lambda} and named with {b def} {pre '{def smart_add {lambda {:a :b} {b :a+:b} is {u equal} to {b {+ :a :b}}}} -> {def smart_add {lambda {:a :b} {b :a+:b} is {u equal} to {b {+ :a :b}}}} '{smart_add 2 3} -> {smart_add 2 3} } _p That's all! } } _p Fly over the top-left menu {b {u [1 2 3 4 5 6]}} to see much more. It's a work in progress and sometimes a little {i messy}. After all it's nothing but a workshop! Test what you want in the [[sandbox]] and, {b please}, give me your opinion in the [[forum]]. °°° _ul {b previous works:} [[recursion]] | [[castel_JS]] | [[castel_LT]] | [[slideshow]] | [[sounds]] | [[state]] | [[encryption3]] | [[lambdacode]] | [[factory]] | [[helloworld]] | [[towards...|?view=lambdacode_inside_min]] | [[NIL2]] | [[lambda_factory]] | [[ze_lambdaway]] | [[markdown]] | [[textedit]] | [[minitalk|data/ltgs/]] | [[quicksort]] | [[turtle_tree]] | [[ze making of|?view=lambdaspeech]] °°° _p This workshop is now closed. Next works are to be seen in the latest version called {center {h2 {i [['{lambda speech}|http://lambdaway.free.fr/lambdaspeech/]]}}} }}