_h3 [[DFT]] | [[JS_FFT|?view=lispology]] | LT_FFT {sup ([[arrays|?view=lispology4]] | lists)} _h2 the Fast Fourier Transform {sup '{lambda talk} lists} _img {center {h1 {code X(N) = Σ{sub n=0}{sup {@ style="margin-left:-40px;"} N-1} 1/n.sin(2Πn/N)}}} _h2 1) the {b fft} function (direct & inverse) _h3 1.1) Following the standard FFT algorithm {pre '{def fft {lambda {:s :x} {if {= {list.length :x} 1} then :x else {let { {:s :s} {:ev {fft :s {evens :x}} } {:od {fft :s {odds :x}} } } {let { {:ev :ev} {:t {rotate :s :od 0 {list.length :od}}} } {list.append { Cadd :ev :t} { Csub :ev :t}} }}}}} } _p which can be rewritten without the let syntaxic sugar {pre '{def fft {lambda {:s :x} {if {= {list.length :x} 1} then :x else {{lambda {:s :ev :od} {{lambda {:ev :t} {list.append { Cadd :ev :t} { Csub :ev :t}} } :ev {rotate :s :od 0 {list.length :od}}} } :s {fft :s {evens :x}} {fft :s {odds :x}} }}}} -> {def fft {lambda {:s :x} {if {= {list.length :x} 1} then :x else {{lambda {:s :ev :od} {{lambda {:ev :t} {list.append { Cadd :ev :t} { Csub :ev :t}} } :ev {rotate :s :od 0 {list.length :od}}} } :s {fft :s {evens :x}} {fft :s {odds :x}} }}}} '{def rotate {lambda {:s :f :k :N} {if {list.null? :f} then nil else {cons {Cmul {car :f} {Cexp {Cnew 0 {/ {* :s {PI} :k} :N}}}} {rotate :s {cdr :f} {+ :k 1} :N}}}}} -> {def rotate {lambda {:s :f :k :N} {if {list.null? :f} then nil else {cons {Cmul {car :f} {Cexp {Cnew 0 {/ {* :s {PI} :k} :N} }}} {rotate :s {cdr :f} {+ :k 1} :N}}}}} } _p Note that the last version is the fastest one and could be rewritten without the {code '{if then else}} special form and reach the λ-calculus level with a small set of functions acting on words. _h3 1.2) an alternate code _p Following the clever and more Lisplike code written by [[Prasenjit Saha|]]. {pre '{def fft {lambda {:s :f} {if {= {list.length :f} 1} then :f else {combine :s {fft :s {evens :f}} {fft :s {odds :f}}} }}} '{def combine {lambda {:s :ev :od} {plusminus :ev {rotate :s :od 0 {list.length :od}}}}} '{def plusminus {lambda {:a :b} {list.append { Cadd :a :b} { Csub :a :b}}}} '{def rotate {lambda {:s :f :k :N} {if {list.null? :f} then nil else {cons {Cmul {car :f} {Cexp {Cnew 0 {/ {* :s {PI} :k} :N}}}} {rotate :s {cdr :f} {+ :k 1} :N}}}}} } _h2 2) adding a small set of list functions _p We add to the existing '{lambda talk}'s list [[primitives]] a small set of functions required by the function {code fft}. {pre '{def evens {lambda {:l} {if {list.null? :l} then nil else {cons {car :l} {evens {cdr {cdr :l}}}}}}} -> {def evens {lambda {:l} {if {list.null? :l} then nil else {cons {car :l} {evens {cdr {cdr :l}}}}}}} '{def odds {lambda {:l} {if {list.null? {cdr :l}} then nil else {cons {car {cdr :l}} {odds {cdr {cdr :l}}}}}}} -> {def odds {lambda {:l} {if {list.null? {cdr :l}} then nil else {cons {car {cdr :l}} {odds {cdr {cdr :l}}}}}}} '{def {def {lambda {:f :a :b :c} {if {list.null? :a} then :c else { :f {cdr :a} {cdr :b} {cons {:f {car :a} {car :b}} :c}} }}} {lambda {:f :a :b} { :f {list.reverse :a} {list.reverse :b} nil}}} -> {def {def {lambda {:f :a :b :c} {if {list.null? :a} then :c else { :f {cdr :a} {cdr :b} {cons {:f {car :a} {car :b}} :c}} }}} {lambda {:f :a :b} { :f {list.reverse :a} {list.reverse :b} nil}}} } _h2 3) adding a small set of complex functions _p '{lambda talk} has no primitive functions working on complex numbers. We add the minimal set required by the function {code fft}. {pre ;; {def isC {lambda {:c} {pair? :c}}} '{def Cnew {lambda {:x :y} {cons :x :y} }} -> {def Cnew {lambda {:x :y} {cons :x :y} }} '{def Cnorm {lambda {:c} {sqrt {+ {* {car :c} {car :c}} {* {cdr :c} {cdr :c}}}} }} -> {def Cnorm {lambda {:c} {sqrt {+ {* {car :c} {car :c}} {* {cdr :c} {cdr :c}}}} }} '{def Cadd {lambda {:x :y} {cons {+ {car :x} {car :y}} {+ {cdr :x} {cdr :y}}} }} -> {def Cadd {lambda {:x :y} {cons {+ {car :x} {car :y}} {+ {cdr :x} {cdr :y}}} }} '{def Csub {lambda {:x :y} {cons {- {car :x} {car :y}} {- {cdr :x} {cdr :y}}} }} -> {def Csub {lambda {:x :y} {cons {- {car :x} {car :y}} {- {cdr :x} {cdr :y}}} }} '{def Cmul {lambda {:x :y} {cons {- {* {car :x} {car :y}} {* {cdr :x} {cdr :y}}} {+ {* {car :x} {cdr :y}} {* {cdr :x} {car :y}}}} }} -> {def Cmul {lambda {:x :y} {cons {- {* {car :x} {car :y}} {* {cdr :x} {cdr :y}}} {+ {* {car :x} {cdr :y}} {* {cdr :x} {car :y}}}} }} '{def Cexp {lambda {:x} {cons {* {exp {car :x}} {cos {cdr :x}}} {* {exp {car :x}} {sin {cdr :x}}}} }} -> {def Cexp {lambda {:x} {cons {* {exp {car :x}} {cos {cdr :x}}} {* {exp {car :x}} {sin {cdr :x}}}} }} '{def Clist {lambda {:s} { {map {lambda {:i} {cons :i 0}} :s}}}} -> {def Clist {lambda {:s} { {map {lambda {:i} {cons :i 0}} :s}}}} } _h2 4) testing _p Applying successively the {b direct} {code fft} function and its {b inverse} on such a sample {code (1 -6 2 4)} where numbers have been promoted as complex. {prewrap '{list.disp {fft -1 {fft 1 {Clist 1 -6 2 4 }}}} -> {list.disp {fft -1 {fft 1 {Clist 1 -6 2 4 }}}} } _p returns Cnumbers whose real part divided by the length is the initial sample. _h2 5) harmonics of a square curve _p Applying the {code fft} function on a sample {code (a1 a2 a3 ... an)} will return a list of Cnumbers. We will compute the norm of these Cnumbers and display a table of harmonics [frequency,amplitude]. {prewrap '{def norms {lambda {:l} {if {list.null? :l} then nil else {cons {Cnorm {car :l}} {norms {cdr :l}}}}}} -> {def norms {lambda {:l} {if {list.null? :l} then nil else {cons {Cnorm {car :l}} {norms {cdr :l}}}}}} '{def harmonics.disp {def harmonics.disp.r {lambda {:l :k :max :n} {if {> :k :n} then else {br}:k: {if {= {car :l} 0} then . else 1/{round {/ :max {car :l}}}} {harmonics.disp.r {cdr :l} {+ :k 1} :max :n}}}} {lambda {:l :N} {harmonics.disp.r :l 0 {max {list.disp :l}} :N}}} -> {def harmonics.disp {def harmonics.disp.r {lambda {:l :k :max :n} {if {> :k :n} then else {br}:k: {if {= {car :l} 0} then . else 1/{round {/ :max {car :l}}}} {harmonics.disp.r {cdr :l} {+ :k 1} :max :n}}}} {lambda {:l :N} {harmonics.disp.r :l 0 {max {list.disp :l}} :N}}} } _p We want to find the harmonics of the square curve whose sample is made of 32 levels +1 and 32 levels -1. {prewrap '{def test { {map {lambda {_} {Cnew 1 0}} {serie 1 32}} {map {lambda {_} {Cnew -1 0}} {serie 1 32}} }} -> {def test { {map {lambda {_} {Cnew 1 0}} {serie 1 32}} {map {lambda {_} {Cnew -1 0}} {serie 1 32}} }} '{list.disp {test}} -> {list.disp {test}} } _p We apply the function {code fft} {prewrap '{def X {fft -1 {test}}} -> {def X {fft -1 {test}}} = {list.disp {X}} } _p We compute norms {prewrap '{def N {norms {X}}} -> {def N {norms {X}}} = {list.disp {N}} } _p We display harmonics {pre '{harmonics.disp {N} 15} -> } {center {pre {@ style="width:100px; text-align:left; background:#eee; padding:20px; box-shadow:0 0 8px #000;"} {harmonics.disp {N} 15} }} _p We have found the first odd sines [1,1/1] [3,1/3] [5,1/5] [7,1/7] [9,1/9]. _p Increasing the size of sample would give some of the following sines: {center {table {@ style="width:50%; text-align:center; background:#eee; box-shadow:0 0 8px #000;"} {tr {td {b sample}} {td {b last sine}} {td {b time ms}} {td {b t{sub i+1}/t{sub i}}}} {tr {td 8} {td [1,1/1]} {td 12} {td -}} {tr {td 16} {td [3,1/3]} {td 17} {td {format {/ 17 12}}}} {tr {td 32} {td [5,1/5]} {td 25} {td {format {/ 25 17}}}} {tr {td 64} {td [9,1/9]} {td 45} {td {format {/ 45 25}}}} {tr {td 128} {td [17,1/17]} {td 100} {td {format {/ 100 45}}}} {tr {td 512} {td [43,1/43]} {td 658} {td {format {/ 658 100}}}} {tr {td 1024} {td [67,1/67]} {td 1400} {td {format {/ 1400 658}}}} {tr {td 2048} {td [107,1/107]} {td 4100} {td {format {/ 4100 1400}}}} }} _p And so on. _p {b Next step}: reach the [[λ-calculus|?view=PLR]] level. _p Your feedback is welcome in the wiki's [[agora]] or in [[HN|]]. See also [[rosetta|]]. _p {i Alain Marty 2018/12/(21 edit 27)} {blockquote {b Edit}: {i Have a look at this amazing work [[|]].}} {{hide} {def format {lambda {:x} {/ {round {* 1000 :x}} 1000}}} } {style ;; @import url(; #page_frame { width:620px; } #page_content { font-family: Quicksand; font-size:1.0em; background:#ffe; } }
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