_h1 pCurves {require lib_pForms} _p A pCurve is a Bezier curve controlled by a set of points defined in a four dimensional space. When the fourth component is different from 1, the pCurve is a rational Bézier curve, which can be concatenated to create NURBS, for instance conics. This page uses the [[lib_pForms]] library. {{SVG} {{AXES} {path {@ id="axes" fill="transparent" stroke-width="1" stroke="#000"}} {path {@ id="cube" fill="transparent" stroke-width="1" stroke="#888"}} {path {@ id="curve1" fill="transparent" stroke-width="3" stroke="#f00"}} {path {@ id="curve2" fill="transparent" stroke-width="1" stroke="#f00"}} {path {@ id="curve3" fill="transparent" stroke-width="3" stroke="#00f"}} {path {@ id="curve4" fill="transparent" stroke-width="1" stroke="#00f"}} }} {center {pre {control Rot/X rotx 300 0 360 5} {control Rot/Y roty 0 0 360 5} {control Rot/Z rotz 40 0 360 5} {control persp pers 350 100 1000 10} {control scale scale 0.9 0.5 10 0.1} }} _h2 four curves {pre °° var p0 = {x:-150,y:-150,z:-150,w:1}, p1 = {x: 150,y:-150,z:-150,w:1}, p2 = {x: 150,y:-150,z: 150,w:1}, p3 = {x: 150,y: 150,z: 150,w:1}, p4 = {x:-150,y: 150,z: 150,w:1}; var q0 = {x:-150,y:-150,z:-150,w:4}, q1 = {x: 150,y:-150,z:-150,w:1}, q2 = {x: 150,y:-150,z: 150,w:0.01}, q3 = {x: 150,y: 150,z: 150,w:1}, q4 = {x:-150,y: 150,z: 150,w:3}; var curve1 = PF.stretch( [p0,p1,p2,p3,p4], 0.2, 0.8 ), 5 ), curve2 = [p0,p1,p2,p3,p4], 5 ), curve3 = [q0,q1,q2,q3,q4], 5 ), curve4 = PF.stretch( [q0,q1,q2,q3,q4], -0.5, 1.5 ), 5 ); °°} {script ;; var p0 = {x:-150,y:-150,z:-150,w:1}, p1 = {x: 150,y:-150,z:-150,w:1}, p2 = {x: 150,y:-150,z: 150,w:1}, p3 = {x: 150,y: 150,z: 150,w:1}, p4 = {x:-150,y: 150,z: 150,w:1}; var q0 = {x:-150,y:-150,z:-150,w:4}, q1 = {x: 150,y:-150,z:-150,w:1}, q2 = {x: 150,y:-150,z: 150,w:0.01}, q3 = {x: 150,y: 150,z: 150,w:1}, q4 = {x:-150,y: 150,z: 150,w:3}; var curve1 = PF.stretch( [p0,p1,p2,p3,p4], 0.2, 0.8 ), 5 ), curve2 = [p0,p1,p2,p3,p4], 5 ), curve3 = [q0,q1,q2,q3,q4], 5 ), curve4 = PF.stretch( [q0,q1,q2,q3,q4], -0.5, 1.5 ), 5 ); var display = function() { var rotx = document.getElementById('rotx').value; var roty = document.getElementById('roty').value; var rotz = document.getElementById('rotz').value; var pers = document.getElementById('pers').value; var scale = document.getElementById('scale').value; W3D.init3D( rotx, roty, rotz, pers, scale ); document.getElementById('axes').setAttribute('d', W3D.axes(600/4)); document.getElementById('cube').setAttribute('d', W3D.cube(600/4)); document.getElementById('curve1').setAttribute('d', W3D.draw_line( curve1 )); document.getElementById('curve2').setAttribute('d', W3D.draw_line( curve2 )); document.getElementById('curve3').setAttribute('d', W3D.draw_line( curve3 )); document.getElementById('curve4').setAttribute('d', W3D.draw_line( curve4 )); }; setTimeout( display, 1 ); } {{hide} {def SVG svg {@ width="600" height="600" style="position:relative; left:50%; width:600px; height:600px; margin-left:-300px; background:#eee;"}} {def AXES g {@ transform="translate({/ 600 2},{/ 600 2})"}} {def control {lambda {:name :id :val :min :max :step} :name : {input {@ id=":id" type="text" value=":val" size="5"}} {input {@ type="range" min=":min" max=":max" value=":val" step=":step" style="width:110px; vertical-align:middle;" oninput="document.getElementById(':id').value = this.value; display();"}} }} }
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